mainly music

What to expect
mainly music sessions are full of songs and rhymes, actions and movement, designed to engage you and your child. Not only will your little one be delighted by the one-to-one attention you give, but you’ll love the way they respond and develop.
You’ll be creating memories together.
The structured 30 minute music session will be followed by eat/play/chat time. Snacks and refreshments will be served to children, followed by a time of unstructured play in the playground. At the same time, you’ll be able to order a barista coffee or snack & connect with others in the cafe or front deck.
Music session
During the mainly music session, your child will be learning and developing; participating in the music, expressing their imagination, finding enjoyment in the educational moments, laughing at the puppets and participating in group activities. Your little one will enjoy this sensory event. Key will be your experience of attachment, the lasting emotional bond a child forms with a specific person that provides safety, comfort, soothing and pleasure.
The qualities of our emotional ‘intelligence’ are permanently acquired by only 2 to 3 years of age, yet impacts on every aspect of our lives as long as we live. Enjoy these opportunities to spend time together.

Our values
mainly music provides a time and place where young children and their carers find delight in shared experiences through music and play, are accepted for who they are, and grow educationally.
We recognise the importance of attachment theory, which contributes to children’s security and well-being. Each session provides education and development outcomes, an opportunity for children to enjoy an enhanced attachment experience with their family, and for carers to receive parenting tuition by example.
There is a strong sense of ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. With guidance by our volunteer team, families are given the chance to think about the God-part of life in a loving, sharing environment that welcomes everyone.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
The session costs $10 per family, and includes a snack for your little ones. We have barista coffee, sandwiches & bakery pies for sale after the music session, to enjoy in the cafe or outside on the front deck afterwards, while your little ones enjoy the organised activities & playground.
Do I need to register beforehand?
There is no need to RSVP, just come along! We'd love to host you at our weekly session.
What health & cleaning measures are in place?
Cleaning will happen before & after sessions. Props & toys will be cleaned between sessions.

Want to get connected?
Get in touch with us